Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Current/Historical text
Code text
Wetland name text
Collector text
Date text
Routine Survey text
Sheet No text
Gauge Id text
Recorded Depth text
Depth (m) text
pH text
Recorded Salinity (ppt) text
Salinity (ppt) text
Conductivity (mS/m) text
Chemistry Centre Conductivity (mS/m) text
Recorded Total Phosphorus (Unfilt) text
Total Phosphorus (Unfilt) (mg/l) text
Recorded Total Soluble Phosphorus (Filt) text
Total Soluble Phosphorus (Filt) (mg/l) text
Recorded Total Nitrogen (Unfilt) text
Total Nitrogen (Unfilt) (mg/l) text
Recorded Total Soluble Nitrogen (Filt) text
Total Soluble Nitrogen (Filt) (mg/l) text
LBL Gauge Id text
Lake Bed Level (m) text
Comment text
Nitrate N_NO3 (mg/l) text
Reactive Phosphorus P_SR (mg/l) text
Nearshore LBL (m) text
OffShore LBL (m) text
CLIF Inner Sedge Area Salinity (ppt) text
CLIF Outer Sedge Area Salinity (ppt) text
CLIF Open water Salinity (ppt) text
JASP Chemistry Centre Salinity TDS (ppt) text
JASP Chemistry Centre Salinity (Econd x 0.56) (ppt) text
JASP CALM Salinity (ppt) text
JASP CALM Orion direct salinity reading (ppt) text
JASP CALM Calc. Salinity (Econd x 0.56) (ppt) text
JASP Salinity - CALM Instrument text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 13 November 2019
Metadata last updated 8 November 2024
Created 12 November 2019
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
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Checked: 17 January 2025