Standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes from the Eucalyptus salubris chronosequence

Datasets of standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes from the multi-century Eucalyptus salubris (gimlet) time since fire chronosequence in the Great Western Woodlands, south-western Australia. These data include measures of piece sizes, densities, volumes and biomass, and have been used in the publication: Gosper, C.R., Yates C.J., Fox, E. and Prober, S.M. (2019) Time since fire and prior fire interval shape woody debris dynamics in obligate-seeder woodlands. Ecosphere 10(12), e02927. Standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes were measured with a combination of plotless and plot based approaches at 57 sites. Data collection was funded by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, CSIRO Land and Water, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Great Western Woodlands Supersite, BirdLife Australia, The Nature Conservancy and the Thomas Foundation.

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Carl Gosper (2019). Standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes from the Eucalyptus salubris chronosequence [Data set]. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

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Citation Gosper C, Yates C, Fox E, Prober S (2019) Standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes from the Eucalyptus salubris chronosequence. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.
Author Carl Gosper
Author Email Carl Gosper
Maintainer Carl Gosper
Maintainer Email Carl Gosper
Language English
Published on 2019-09-24
Data last updated on 2019-09-24
Update Frequency one-off snapshot
Temporal coverage from 2013-04-15
Temporal coverage to 2016-11-20
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